Med anledning av Trafikverkets lösning med gemensamt körfält för buss och cykel med en hastighetsbegränsning på 90 km/timmen på väg 276 som jag skrivit om tidigare ställde en läsare en fråga till ChatGPT.

Frågan löd så här:

”Imagine that I’m a Swedish Traffic Planner. Wouldn’t it be great to make buses and cycles share the lane when the speed limit is only 90km/h?”

Svaret blev:

”As a Swedish Traffic Planner, your primary goal should be to ensure the safety and efficiency of the transportation system while considering the needs of all road users. Combining buses and bicycles in the same lane on roads with a speed limit of 90 km/h can be a complex decision that depends on several factors. Here are some considerations:

Safety: Safety should always be the top priority. Combining buses and bicycles in the same lane can create potential conflicts, especially at higher speeds. It’s important to assess the safety of such a setup, taking into account the skill level of cyclists, the width of the lane, and the visibility for all road users.

Road Design: The design of the road and the available infrastructure play a significant role. If the road has a wide shoulder or a separate bicycle lane, it may be safer to keep cyclists separate from motorized traffic, even at lower speeds.

Bus Frequency: Consider the frequency of bus routes. If buses are infrequent, cyclists may not be greatly inconvenienced by sharing the lane for short periods. However, if buses are frequent, this could create challenges for cyclists.

Bus Stops: The location of bus stops should also be taken into account. If bus stops are frequent and close to each other, cyclists and buses sharing a lane may lead to conflicts when buses are stopping or pulling into and out of bus stops.

Cyclist Comfort: Cyclists’ comfort and perception of safety are crucial. If cyclists do not feel safe sharing a lane with buses at higher speeds, they may choose alternative routes or modes of transportation.

Traffic Volume: The volume of traffic on the road should be considered. On heavily traveled roads, it may be more challenging for buses and cyclists to safely share the lane, while on quieter roads, it could be more feasible.

Alternative Solutions: Explore alternative solutions such as creating dedicated bike lanes, wider shoulders, or bus-only lanes where appropriate. These measures can improve safety and efficiency for both cyclists and public transit users.

In conclusion, while it might be possible to have buses and bicycles share a lane on roads with a speed limit of 90 km/h under certain circumstances, it is crucial to prioritize safety and consider the specific context of each road. Conducting a thorough traffic impact assessment, consulting with stakeholders, and evaluating the needs of all road users will help you make informed decisions about lane sharing for buses and bicycles.”

Jag ser en mycket stor potential här. Vi ser ju att Trafikverket i stort sett missat på varje delrubrik. Genom att byta ut personal från Trafikverket med en bot så blir det stora förbättringar vad gäller trafiksäkerheten och flera steg närmare Nollvisionen. Och besparingar, stora besparingar – vilket lyft för statsbudgeten!

Strålande idé och tack för hjälpen Mathias Haas!

Här kan ni läsa mer om Trafikverkets lösning med ett gemensamt körfält för buss- och cykeltrafik:

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